Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Jesus is the foundation stone and head of this church. He provides purpose and meaning to life. Without Him we are nothing and we live to glorify Him, not ourselves. We are the body of Christ. Through His power we are striving to build God’s church!
It is a blessing to serve as pastor of New Grove Baptist Church. It was God’s hand that brought Doris and I to New Grove in 2005. New Grove Baptist Church is a fellowship of believers who meet to worship Jesus. Our mission is to magnify God by bringing people to Jesus and membership in His family, developing them to Christ-like maturity, and equipping them to serve in ministry. We are a fellowship that is always, “Looking up in Faith and Reaching out in Love.” Please join us this Sunday at 10:30am to become involved in what God is doing at New Grove Baptist Church!
In Christ's Love,
Brother Roger Berry
If you are looking for a church family, we believe you will find New Grove to be very friendly. We enjoy our time each week with each other as we fellowship and worship together.
We have a very active Sunday School with a class for everyone. Our Classes consist of: Nursery, Preschool, Younger Children, Older Children, Youth, Young Adults, Semi-Adults, Adult Men, and Adult Ladies.
We also have classes for our children and youth on Wednesday nights along with Bible Study for the adults. We have a van providing transportation for children and youth on Wednesday evenings. Please let us know if you need transportation to church on Sunday or Wednesday.
“Looking Up In Faith – Reaching Out In Love”
Our mission is to magnify God by bringing people to Jesus and membership in His family, developing them to Christ-like maturity, and equipping them to serve in ministry.
The goals of New Grove Baptist Church are: (1) Spiritual Growth through the teaching and study of the Bible (Ephesians 4.7-16); (2) Share Jesus with the lost in our community (Acts 1.8; Matthew 28.19-20); (3) Seek New Opportunities for reaching our community with the Gospel (Hebrews 11.6); (4) Develop a Sweet Fellowship that enhances Spiritual growth (Acts 4.32-36); (5) Service in Membership that minister to people’s needs (Matthew 25.35-36); (6) Sincere Worship that glorifies and honors God (John 4.24).
The challenges of New Grove Baptist Church are to have a Compelling Influence on our community (Luke 14.23); be a Cohesive Fellowship that assimilates new members (Colossians 3.14); have a Clear Vision of the future (Proverbs 29.18); and be Christ Centered (Colossians 1.18).